The use of solar energy industry

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Solar energy is a new energy and renewable energy is an important part of. Solar energy belongs to the distribution of clean natural resources, Solar Panel Supplier with the development of on the spot, without transportation, be inexhaustible, inexhaustible, does not pollute the environment, to protect environment the advantages hong kong gifts & premium.


Solar also has its inherent shortcomings. Incorporate is in: regional variations: different geographical position of sun light in different conditions. Seasonal differences: the year of solar light, solar light intensity of different. Day and night: the sun has difference of Diurnal Night volts natural law. Differences in climate vicissitudes: is a kind of natural law, have very big uncertainty. Azimuth difference: the sun has thin sooner or later, when the sun 's natural law gift and premium fair.


As can be seen, utilization of solar energy will be the very good solution these natural conditions the. Specific to the industry of solar thermal utilization, needs more high performance solar heat collector and a high performance system, improve the solar energy heat collector output temperature, improving the solar collector, solar energy light-heat conversion efficiency to improve lighting efficiency, improves the bearing capacity. Auxiliary energy : the importance of conventional energy and other new energy auxiliary. Storage device: there must be a certain amount of energy reserves, Solar Module Manufacturer dab6d25ck meet the short-time energy. Intelligent control: reliable control device, to ensure safe and reliable operation business gift.


Solar energy enterprises must vigorously develop efficient, reliable solar heat collector and intelligent solar heat utilization system, can meet the industry demand for the thermal utilization of solar thermal utilization, and open up a broader application of space gift & premium.

Publié dans Solar energy

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